Vol. 10 No. 26 (2022): Affirmative action in universities and beyond

					View Vol. 10 No. 26 (2022): Affirmative action in universities and beyond

Twenty years elapsed since afirmative action implementation in some public universities and ten years after they became mandatory in federal universities and institutes, it still generates controversy. This dossier intends to go beyond what is traditionally done in assessments of affirmative policies. By lending visibility to the social transformations caused, either directly or indirectly, by the introduction of affirmative action, it seeks to shed light on how they affected the understanding of the “racial question” in our society.

Published: 02-02-2023


  • New configurations and debates on affirmative actions in a changing context an introduction

    Paulo S. da Costa Neves, Paula Cristina Barreto

    Visualizações: 411
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.20336/rbs.918
  • Affirmative actions and social sciences at UFRB tensions and transformations in knowledge production

    Weder Bruno de Almeida, Angela Figueiredo

    Visualizações: 265
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.20336/rbs.904
  • Unifinished justice vices and virtues of the postgraduate racial quotas policy at UFRGS

    Luciana Garcia de Mello

    Visualizações: 187
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.20336/rbs.905
  • About who we are and what they say we are what do the rituals of the Heteroidentification Commissions reveal?

    Andréa Lopes da Costa Vieira, Ludmila Maria Moreira Lima, Luma Done Miranda

    Visualizações: 502
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.20336/rbs.902
  • Affirmative actions in Brazilian graduate studies the case of UFRGS

    Éverton Garcia da Costa

    Visualizações: 578
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.20336/rbs.898
  • Peripheries in universities feminine echoes of affirmative action policies

    Milena Mateuzi Carmo, Laura Moutinho, Charles Klein

    Visualizações: 364
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.20336/rbs.906


  • “Ask Ifá to be favorable to me” Roger Bastide and generosity as a method

    Carmen Felgueiras

    Visualizações: 116
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.20336/rbs.873
  • The imprisoned social order a study on the social construction of violence against women

    Elizabeth Maria Fleury-Teixeira

    Visualizações: 465
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.20336/rbs.868

Sociologies in Dialogue

  • Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of field

    Monique de Saint Martin

    Visualizações: 3254
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.20336/rbs.910