Policies and politics of empowerment
feminism, entrepreneurship and mediation from a mobile perspective
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empowerment, entrepreneurship, feminisms, mediation, mobilityAbstract
In this article, I analyse how the circulation of the category empowerment has become an effective discursive instrument to enable the strengthening and the dissemination of feminist values, and the legitimation of entrepreneurial subjectivity. I present as an ethnographic scene the campaign #juntasarrasamos, held in 2018 by Plano de Menina training programme, aimed at young residents of peripheral regions of São Paulo, in partnership with Seda brand (Unilever). I demonstrate how the category of empowerment operates, connecting ideas, people and products. The current work is an approach to multi-sited research, in dialogue with the theory of mobilities, as an inescapable theoretical-methodological perspective that allows the understanding of the mediations among politics, market and the digital in contemporary society.
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