“Ask Ifá to be favorable to me”
Roger Bastide and generosity as a method
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Roger Bastide, reflexivity of knowledge, sociology of culture, social thought in BrazilAbstract
This article aims to approach the studies of Roger Bastide (1898-1974), especially on the topic of cultural exchanges, from the perspective of a sociology of generosity, understanding generosity as a disposition to use of “intuitive sympathy” in research and as a rejection of ethnocentric assumptions of analysis. The work proposes that it is possible to verify the presence of such a perspective in at least three dimensions. Firstly, in the dialogues that Bastide had with the French and Brazilian intellectuals, referring to some of the choices made and his personal contributions to the debate of the time, whether in the areas of sociological and anthropological study or in literary and art criticism. Then, in a properly methodological dimension, the “kaleidoscopic” method used by the author, without neglecting the disciplinary requirements, guarantees the consideration of different points of view in the interpretation of social phenomena in a way that is coherent with the perspective assumed by him of opening to the Other. Finally, the specific theme of cultural exchanges is addressed through the questions of the authenticity of cultures and the reflexivity of knowledge, pointing to the possibility of understanding Bastide's relationship with his objects as a cultural exchange in itself.
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